GAP Scholarship

Gap Scholarship

  1. The awarding of the Alpha Beta Lambda Education Foundation Inc.  Gap scholarship is based on need, with consideration given to merit and the moral character of the candidates. The funds are to be used to assist students in offsetting the cost of educational expenses such as tuition, books, fees, housing, course supplies and other resources.
  2. The applicants must be African-American undergraduate students from Fayette, Bourbon, Clark, Franklin, Jessamine, Madison, Scott or Woodford County or a student enrolled in an accredited 4-year Kentucky college/university. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or better.
  3. An applicant must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate student. Documentation in the form of a transcript or current class schedule must be provided to the scholarship chairman at the time the applicant submits a request.
  4. The Gap Scholarship can be given to a student who already has another scholarship (academic only).
  5. All candidates must meet the same criteria. No preferential treatment will be given.
  6. All applicants must submit a mini-proposal (an application with specific guidelines is provided) for consideration. Applicants should include an essay on why they should be considered for the scholarship.
  7. All applications for the scholarship will be considered on a case by case basis and can be submitted at any time. Applicants should keep in mind that the scholarship committee meets periodically. Therefore, if funds are needed by a specific deadline, the applicant should plan accordingly to submit the request as early as possible.
  8. The Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation Inc. Gap Scholarship is a one-time scholarship (non-renewable), not to exceed $1,500. Up to two awards at the maximum amount ($1500) or multiple awards in smaller amounts may be given annually.
  9. Once the Scholarship Committee has determined that the student has satisfied the specified requirements, payment will be made payable to the appropriate entity, vendor or service provider on behalf of the student. In some cases, students can also be paid as a reimbursement, but must provide detailed documentation in the form of invoices, itemized receipts, etc. to receive

Personal Information

Name of Current College or University

Extracurricular Activities

Amount of Funds Being Requested

How the money will be used (Maximum amount should NOT exceed $1,500; Provide specific details)

Essay and Other Information

Information in this Section should be submitted as an attachment.

Please submit a typed 500 word essay that answers the following questions:

  • What is your current field of study and future career plans?
  • In what area are you in need of assistance (tuition, books, housing, etc.)?
  • How will a Gap scholarship help to enhance your college experience?
  • What other funding option/sources have you pursued to aid you in your educational endeavors?
  • If you are awarded a scholarship, what plans do you have in place to ensure that you will not encounter similar obstacles in the future?

    Include any additional comments that clearly explain your need and merit for this scholarship.


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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Student Certification

Statement of Applicant: I certify that I meet the qualifications for this scholarship, that I am a full-time student at a College/University during the academic year and that the information submitted with this application is duly accurate.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Clear Signature